How To Become A Pro Digital Marketer For Better Job Or Self Established Business


Become A Pro Digital Marketer

Every year, new technologies being released and improvising themselves from existing technologies to get faster, smarter and get savvier which is more bombarded with marketing. This will continue to happen every year at a faster pace. As we can say, the goal of marketing and digital marketing, in particular, has always been the same that is getting and keeping your audience’s attention. The only changes that will continue occurring are, how can we interface with the audience and that’s what you need to be leveraging. The accessibility of the internet in today’s era is spreading to the seventh cloud, would you believe me if I told you the number of people who go online every day is still increasing? In fact, “constant” internet usage among adults has boosted up by 5% in just the past three years, although we  can easily analysis, the way people shop and buy really has changed along with accessibility and dependency over the internet, it means its obvious, offline marketing isn’t as effective as it used to be in the past.

In brief, Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time and Today, for that, you need to meet them where they are already spending the time that is ON DIGITAL PLATFORM. So conclusively we can summarize DIGITAL MARKETING as – any form of marketing that exists online.

What does a DIGITAL MARKETER do?

Digital marketers are foremost for driving brand awareness and lead generation, through all the digital channels and digital marketing platforms. Considering both free and paid that are at a company’s benefits. These channels include the company’s website, display advertising social media, search engine rankings, e-mail, and the company’s blog. The digital marketer focuses on a different key performance indicator (KPI) for all respected channels. So they can properly analyze the company’s performance. A digital marketer who’s in charge of SEO- measures their website’s organic traffic by analysis in the number of visitors landed on the company pages through SERP via. a Google search! Digital marketing is playing a vital role in every sect of industries. In small companies, one experienced marketer might own many of the digital marketing tactics described above at the same time. In MNC’s, these tactics have been controlled by a specialized concern person who focuses on just one or two of the brand’s digital channels. Let us talk a little brief about the job role. 

Working Profile Of Digital Marketing Specialist’s 

SEO Manager 

Main KPIs: Organic traffic

SEO managers provide the business by ranking the website on Google. Using several strategies to deploy the search engine optimization, An SEO executive coordinately works with content creators to ensure the content quality that they produce to performs well on Google even if the company also posts this quality content on a social media platform. 

Content Marketing Specialist 

Main KPIs: Manage overall blog traffic, YouTube channel subscribers

Content marketing specialists are digital content creators. They keenly keep the record of the company’s blogging calendar and articles and come up with a content strategy that includes video as well. These professionals consequently work with people of other departments.just to ensure the products and campaigns.

Social Media Manager

 Main KPIs: Follows, Impressions Shares.

The role of a social media manager is easy to introduce from the title, but which social networks they manage for the company depends on the industry and planned strategies.

Above all, social media managers manage a posting schedule for the company’s written and visual content. Social Media Manager employee might also work with the content marketing specialist and other concern departments to develop a strategy for which content to post on which social network.

Marketing Automation Coordinator 

Main KPIs: Increase click-through rate, lead-generation (conversion) rate, E-mail open rate,

The marketing automation coordinator helps to manage the software that allows the whole marketing team to understand their customers’ behavior and measure the growth of their business. Because many of the marketing operations has been executed separately from one another, there must be someone who can batch all digital activities into individual campaigns and track each campaign’s performance inclusively.

How Digital Marketing Can Help Your Business To Achieve Dream Goal? 

In terms of Business, Digital marketing is defined by the application of numerous digital tactics and a variety of channels to connect with authentic audience, where they spend much of their time that is on “Digitalize Platforms”.digital marketing plays a vital role from the website development to a business’s growth, i.e  online branding, email marketing, digital advertising, and beyond there’s a spectrum of tactics that comes under the same shed of “DIGITAL MARKETING”

The best digital marketers have a clear point of view of how each digital marketing campaign and strategy will support their overarching goals and targeted audience. And depending on the goals of their daily marketing strategy a business can grow with high potential rate by playing their required role in their field, for example, let say, Content Marketer – can create a series of blog posts that serve to generate leads from a new e-book for the business recently created.

The company’s Social Media Marketer will promote these blog posts through paid and organic posts on the business’s social media accounts.

Perhaps the E-mail Marketer creates an email campaign to a target audience, who will download the e-book more information related to the company and Perhaps the chain goes On!!

How does Digital Marketing work for all Businesses? 

In a rapid era of digitalization, Digital marketing is capable of helping-out any business in any industry. Regardless of what your company sells, digital marketing involves building out a worthy full network to verify your audience’s expectations and creating valuable online content. However, we cannot pretend that all businesses should implement the same digital marketing strategy in the same way. Further, let’s discuss both the expects in brief.

B2B Digital Marketing:-

If a company is business-to-business (B2B), then digital marketing efforts are likely to be focused on ONLINE LEAD GENERATION, with the end goal of being someone to speak to a salesperson for conversion. For that reason, the role of digital marketing strategy is to attract and convert the highest quality leads to the sales department via a business website and supporting digital platform. Beyond the business website, a digital marketer also gives efforts on business-focused channels like LinkedIn where demographic is spending their time online. 

B2C Digital Marketing:-

If a company is business-to-consumer (B2C), then the marketing relyed on the price point of products, the moto of digital marketing is to attract people to a business website and to convert them into potential customers without ever needing to speak to a salesperson. For that reason, there is less likely to focus on ‘leads’ in their traditional sense, and more likely to focus on building leads to accelerated buyer’s journey on a website. Conclusively, a product will enhance its spot in the marketing funnel than we might consider it as B2B business but it needs to use stronger calls-to-action (CTAs) for conversions. And in B2C companies, digital platforms like facebook Instagram and Pinterest can often be more valuable than business-focused platforms like LinkedIn.

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019-2020

Digital Marketing is going to change drastically in 2019 and 2020 will be no different. The changes I listed here are based on observations and trends happening now, And there is always a chance for new disruptive technology to break into the scene and will obviously cause fundamental changes in the trends of how we do marketing. let’s highlight some top-most changes. 

Video searching will continue to be relevant:-

In the latest reports, it has been seen that users are preferring a Video search because of the easy interface and displaying video results in search engines is already a thing. People are looking for quick, easy-to-digest information, and videos offer simply that. 

In 2019, content marketing will become more Clever:-

From past years, we usually heard that content marketing is the king of all digital marketing modules. But within the past few years, we have reached to some extent where content marketing isn’t new or exciting. Publishing a blog post doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be in a Google search, or that you will sell more products. But content marketing isn’t dead. It’s still very much worth the effort. It’s just changing. 

There’s a big change coming for Facebook Promotion:-

If you are doing advertising on Facebook and do analyze your campaigns, you have probably seen a gentle increase in mobile traffic. These days, 2 in 3 people check their Facebook on a mobile device. This is nothing new, mobile’s share of internet activity continues to grow significantly every year and is expected to keep doing so. 

Customers will crave more human touch from businesses:-

Marketing automation was a game-changer. It enables you to send triggered messages via email, chat, or even phone, to your prospect without pushing any buttons or even being there. Whether it’s initial marketing outreach, automated advertising, or even customer service, it saves money, time, and effort. However, it has also made marketing more “impersonal” to target audiences, and those audiences have noticed. How many times have you heard someone complain about a flood of automated emails, frustrating customer service chat systems, or endless loops of “self-service” phone systems?

Instagram continues to rise

It’s become one of the most popular social channels. People are switching to Instagram to escape from other platforms (especially among the younger generation, as they flee Facebook and Twitter). And in 2019, Instagram will be going to become an even bigger player for brand awareness. People go on Instagram to be educated, entertained and inspired. Facebook (Instagram’s parent company) realizes that they must focus on Instagram to succeed. So Facebook continuously updating new features specially focused on monetization and making marketers’ lives easier with Instagram. And Instagram isn’t slowing down anytime soon. 

Why choose a career in Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a career that has plenty of space for techs, creatives, and business folks. There are numerous avenues that you can follow; it’s being best to focus on one or two modules on which you can do best, then you will be able to learn more from there. If you have business folks or from a communications background, you may want to think about going into management skills. This is a field that’s dynamic engaging and ever-changing; there’s always something new to learn. And if you work in an office or agency, you’ll always be engaging with different clients on daily basis, which means you’ll probably never get bored because digital marketing comes with F2F conversations and B2B, B2C platforms. Beyond this, here are a few more reasons to review on this career.

There’s a Digital Skills Gap: Digital Marketing is a continuously growing industry especially for people with digital skills, particularly for those who come in the middle-income bracket, specifically soft skills, and according to this study, it’s most pronounced in India. So, sticking with ongoing training in this sector, even if you’re not a complete tech geek, is a good thing to start your career for the foreseeable future. 

Versatility: If you choose a career path or specialization in this field and you decide to pivot later, you’ll likely only need a little training in order to make the switch. In this scenario, you can become master in existing skills while still, cam pursue the new techniques, but still stay in the same field because all modules are interdependent on each other. There are numerous choices, and ongoing learning opportunities, where different skills fit together in different ways. The Industry is Always Evolving: As the industry grows and changes, there’s always something new and interesting to learn, and you can follow the trend to learn, to groom yourself for becoming fit in industries, Since there will be different specialists working in a given industry assigned on their job role and character of requirements, you’ll likely be working alongside professionals with a variety of backgrounds, with everyone having to come together to build marketing strategies.

Earnings: When a job is in demand, it means there’s more opportunity to negotiate salary (remuneration) whether you are working as an On-role employee or as a freelancer. So long as you “show” your working skill on your concern profile, you’ll be able to bid higher and higher the more experience you get. According to the Recent Studies, content writers early in their career will likely start at a salary of average  $45, 000 and a new SEO specialist will probably be earning about $50,000 to start.

Be Creative: Digital marketing has plenty of opportunities for creatives to do their thing in design, writing, and even audio and video production, there’s also plenty of space for day-to-day creativity in a general sense. You always have to think of new ideas to market your products, to solve problems. And it requires a great Creativity for fastening your engagement

Train at Your Own Pace: You can start working on building your career in digital marketing from the comfort of your own home, and can do it in your own way. Taking online courses, can also start as a blog writer or a website designer, work on your own social media for promotions, get some volunteer or can take freelance work, and you can create a solid portfolio from your comfort zone

Work with Different People Every Day: If you are not a Cube working machine then You’re always going to find something new to do in this field – and have someone new to talk to. You always find a new ambiance to explore your knowledge, anyone with an interest in working with people will do well in the social and business end of this career

Nowadays all type of business is grooming their ROI with daily changes in trends of digitalization, Digital marketing upraised as a dream business project for digital marketers. If you want to hit the “bull-eye” in the digital marketplace, you should have sound knowledge about the benefits and limitations of digital marketing with continuously upgrading yourselves. It is a growing field of business. Conclusively we can say Digital marketing is nothing but the utilization of digital technology to achieve marketing objectives. The digital marketing and marketing department is not different from each other but work is correspondingly to achieve required goals as Wiseman tales- “the lose it sounds, the hard it hits”  – THANK YOU

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