Digital Marketing Strategy and Tactics

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In my previous blog we have seen the very basic things like what is Digital Marketing and what will be the scope and future of Digital Marketing. To read more about scope and future of Digital Marketing click Scope in Digital Marketing. After Scope in Digital Marketing and we have seen the basic of B2B and B2C interface. In order to stand out among all you need Digital Marketing Strategy and Tactics. So in this blog we will learn about the basics strategies and Tactics used in overall all platform. We believe that Digital Marketing Strategy and Tactics are essential in order to take advantage of the growing opportunities from digital marketing, yet even in 2019, many companies don’t prefer to have Digital Marketing Strategy. And in recent years if we talk about Tactical effectiveness. Then tactical effectiveness is changing in a very promising way for a total of 94% of marketing influencers, with slightly more than half of those (48%) describing the increase in tactical effectiveness as significant.

Let’s get straight to the point. The internet is very simple. You can talk to your friends and family on social media. You can search for your favorite content on Google or YouTube and can read relevant information on various blogs. But when it comes to Digital Marketing Strategy for businesses, you can make a long look of each accessible procedure or innovation accessible today. While we will likely hear a lot of recommendations and suggestions from all of Digital Marketer and Strategist people who are better than others, which ones are the most essential and it is hard to decide. To compete with other businesses in the overly competitive digital world of 2019, we need to focus on specific areas. And we believe that a Digital Marketing strategy is essential to take advantage of growing opportunities from Digital Marketing.   

Digital Marketing Strategy will help you to take the right decisions to make a company or any business successful online. Digital Marketing Strategy provides structure that gives a coherent arrangement to pursue to guarantee consideration of every single key action of Strategy development and implementation. When Digital Marketer we look more forward to Digital Marketing Strategy in order to enhance, expand business online then a Digital Marketing Strategy ought to include an audit to watch that the entirety of your abilities are set up to assistance your association deal with the entirety of the advanced touchpoints. But among all the strategy you need to be more focused on which strategy you need to follow. A successful business should be built on reviewing capabilities like strategic approach, performance after and before, resourcing and structure, data analysis, integrated customer communications and customer experience.

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan

Now let’s discuss about the digital marketing plan and how to implement the strategy. 

  • Plan – You can use a data-driven analysis and approach to follow or review your current digital marketing effectiveness. In order to deep analysis you can set up KPI dashboards and strategy of prioritized improvements to how you deploy digital marketing channel, technology and data to increase leads and sales or to increase brand awareness. 
  • Reach – You can build awareness using the online marketing techniques which will drive visits to your site and even online presence as well reputation will get managed. 
  • Act – If you increased interactions on your website and social media that will help you to generate leads for future and engaging the user is one of the factors. 
  • Convert – Use retargeting, conversion rate optimization so that we can remind and persuade your audience.
  • Engage – To enhance the sales from existing customers by improving personalized communications using web, email and social media marketing is one of the trending factors for B2C industry. 

Local Search Marketing 

If you want to run your business locally and want to grow business online then if you need to be more focused on local search marketing. If you have seen or not in previous years a lot more attention on local search marketing the last few years. According to a survey, 85% of all customers use search engines to find local businesses. To get started with local search marketing, you can create google my business and add update regularly. You can create Google My Business and will able to have your listings turn up in the first of Google Search based on the user’s keywords so that users interact with your business and you can generate more leads and sales. 


Another aspect of Digital Marketing Strategy is Remarketing. Remarketing is also known as Retargeting and these are nothing but the ads serving targeted ads to the people who have already visited or taken action on your website. How does remarketing works? There are only a few steps you need to follow or check. 

  • User visit your website
  • Cookie is installed on user’s computer 
  • User watches cookie based display ads 
  • And again, chances are high that users will visit your site again.

Apart from retargeting in above way you can target the previously visited users by creating new ads on your site to better target your prospects. The information you get from your site visitors gives you valuable data to analysis and target ads to their pain points. Ultimately remarketing helps you to engage with prospects a well remarketing aids in brand awareness and can increase conversions. 

Marketing Automation 

Marketing Automation is technology that manage marketing processes and works as multi-functioning. Marketing and sales departments use marketing automation to automate online marketing campaigns and sales activities to both increase sales leads and efficiency. 92% of all small businesses lose money because they ignore marketing automation and they are not willing to update according to market. Marketing Automation is the tool where all the marketers use to plan, co-ordinate, manage and measure or analyse all of marketing campaigns whether online or offline. It is usually used alongside life-cycle promoting strategy to closely manage and nurture generated leads, getting to convert leads into customers. 

Landing Pages

If you have landing pages which are created early digital marketing campaign then make sure prospects who visited before are going to come back. Landing pages are dedicated page where visitor’s land after clicking through a pay per click ad. Landing pages for PPC typically contain just one focused campaign goal or objective known as a Call to Action (CTA). If your landing page have relevancy and simplicity then this is what dedicated landing pages and they have their best ways to increase conversions from paid traffic in lower cost. 

Strategy Road-map

If you’re reading this, then you probably get the most exciting about people spending money to take their business online and to market their products and services. Here is the exact digital marketing strategy that will help you to increase your sales: 

  1. Build Your Customer List
  2. Grow Awareness & Visibility 
  3. Drive Website Traffic 
  4. Convert Traffic 
  5. Increase Conversion Rate 
  6. Increase Sales 

If you want to increase sales for business or products, you must successfully increase awareness, traffic, and conversions. You are going to learn exactly how to do this.

  • Build Customer List

The ability to understand your customers is often underrated. Nothing will work if your digital marketing strategy is not tailored to your audience. Nothing will work unless you do. You need to research and develop a customer list.

  • Grow Awareness & Visibility 

This Awareness and Visibility will help you to build assets to promote your business at the lowest cost with optimization you can achieve that. Invest in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Email and Content Marketing. For this Awareness and Visibility tactic you can put this as a Long term goal like 6-12 months in order to create awareness because it may take time. 

  • Drive Website Traffic 

You can keep Website Traffic as short term strategy like 3-6 months. You can use social media and search engines to place advertisements to drive immediate traffic to your website. 

  • Convert Traffic 

To get converted traffic invest in a conversion focused website. Delight incoming traffic with a conversion-focused website. You can use WordPress to make an attractive, user-friendly and responsive website. 

  • Increase Conversion Rate 

This tactic you can use in lead and sales nurturing. You can increase the touch points with people who have interacted with your brand. Invest into remarketing email remarketing and content marketing. 

  • Increase Sales 

At last we can say, the increase in sales is finish line where we can analyse process through the above steps. So this strategy road map can influence sales from start to finish. 

Final Thoughts

Follow the above steps and you will be off to a good start in digital marketing for the rest of the year. Above Digital Marketing Actions will help you to achieve a better attraction and increase in sales and leads. 

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