Scope Of Digital Marketing

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Scope Of Digital Marketing

Today, nearly everyone is now online. With access to cheap data and affordable smartphones, individuals across the globe have granted access to the internet and the number has increased tremendously. We can easily say that if Any organization wants to market them a few goods or services, engage them, create brand awareness or any companies want to connect with their customers, they can do it through channels that are online or digitalized. That is what Digital Marketing is all about. Businesses now leverage electronic channels like websites, search engines, email, and social media to get in touch with current and prospective clients.

The Growth of Digital Marketing

When we think of the key indicators of success in marketing, the first thing which hits in the mind is the number of people reached through marketing practices. The internet’s penetration has reached outstanding numbers. Looking at India itself, it has the 2nd largest number of internet users in the world. By 2023, the number of active Indian internet users will reach almost 666 million. So when the numbers reflect in the eyes of companies, they realize the importance of the internet as a channel of marketing. Online marketing is considered cheaper, with higher reach; this is extremely attractive to the companies as their aim is to connect with customers with the least amount of costs. Companies are giving so much importance to digital marketing that some of the biggest ones are restructuring their marketing budget to shift their focus to digital. Unilever, one of the oldest and most successful companies, is set to completely transform itself as a digitally focused company. It has replaced the role of Chief Marketing Officer with Chief Digital & Marketing Officer.

Unilever has said that this is an important step in becoming a future-fit, a fully digitized organization at the leading edge of consumer marketing.” Unilever has also understood the e-commerce era and enhance its capacity of online retail which came up with its most important growth channel.

Let’s Knock Down the Reasons Behind the Continous Growth of This Industry

It’s The Newest Thing in Town:

Hasn’t the internet-driven all of us mad? Well, it sure has. There was a time when whereas the online posts or a music video on YouTube grabs our attention, a serial about the TV used to be the hot topic. What is this? This is a change from preferences and the choice. Digital networking is gaining attention because with itself it’s got off the air. It is like living in a new age. We’re experiencing a revolution, while we’re changing from the conventional.

It’s Flexible:

There is no limitation in the area since the whole job is to be done on the internet. If you’re at home or at the workplace, it isn’t important. All you will need is a system that is on the web and you are sorted. Yes, it is really that easy. Do you want to check your bank balance? Do it. Want to book movie tickets? Pick your smartphone and publication ! the era we are in is digital an era, everything is available at your fingertips.

It’s Simple:

Accessing the media is no rocket science. It’s a piece of cake. The newest users take a maximum of days to understand how to operate the electronic media. This is only because it is designed in such a manner in which its aim is to facilitate the surgeries for human beings, the reason why our mobile phones are now called smartphones.

Fastest Attain

Radio was considered to have the fastest reach because of the communication attribute. Radio is still the medium together with the widest reach but the newest media is gradually overshadowing the most popular media like newspapers, tv, etc.. Today, you post anything on the internet and it has been trending inside a few hours. This is due to the fact that heights are being touched by the number of consumers of the digital media with every passing day.

Little Investments and Big Returns

Digital Marketing advertising campaigns ask compared to print and television advertisements. The ROI that is large is attractive enough to draw the attention of advertisers and marketers.

The Future of Digital Marketing

The internet industry is currently going to be worth $160 billion by 2025, according to a Goldman Sachs report, which will be three times its current value. Many companies are shifting their attention from marketing to digital marketing. In fact, digital advertising spends are set to achieve Rs 25,000 crore in India by 2021, at a growth rate of more than 10.5%. This is going to result in a scenario where lakhs of jobs will be accessible in the digital marketing sector including online retailing, online marketing, content production, and social networking marketing.

Organizations are searching for those who are skilled to deal with digital advertising and marketing tasks. This is seen specifically in research done by Google, where India appears to be taking a progressive and elder digital approach in marketing, before many manufacturers across APAC, Europe and Latin America, with the most mature brands reporting substantial advantages for digital advertising and marketing campaigns. A recent report from Linkedin shows that digital marketing and advertising jobs are among those emerging careers in India because digitization is being embraced so largely in the nation. As the younger generation is emerging in India in numbers, we see a huge increase in media usage.

In India, 67% of internet users will be under 35 by 2020 according to Statista and the total population in India under 35 is around 65%. This means, their biggest audience is this group and in order to reach them, they must enlist employees who are capable of doing so, which is the job of Digital Marketers. Concerning the sort of jobs that are available in the digital marketing sector, Social Media Marketing is included among the jobs.

Facebook currently has 241 million active consumers in India. a million more than it does from the U.S.– making India the nation with its largest user base. Ad spending in the Social Media Advertising section numbers in 2019 in India to US$ 3,283 m. Social Media Marketers do not take care of Digital ads, which we see on networking platforms like Instagram and Facebook but the posts on these networking websites too. Within Social Media Marketing, there is a branch of tasks Including Content Strategist, Digital Advertising Manager, and Video Marketers. 

Google-owned YouTube announced that India was its fastest-growing and biggest audience in the world with more than 265 million active users. It is also expected that 500 million Web users in India will both consume video for learning, sharing and entertainment, making a spot for businesses to advertise. In addition to Social Media Managers, SEO specialists and Google Ads specialists will also be in high demand. SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization, which is really where specific links rank on search engines such as Google. Google receives more than 63,000 searches per second on any particular day.  Stats reveal a connection that ranks higher is very likely to get more clicks. This makes SEO a significant marketing strategy for businesses. 

Google Ads has n number of opportunities in the industry. That is because Google accounts for more than 79% of all background search traffic and Google Ads convert than search results. Companies also hire people for jobs like E-commerce Pros, Bloggers and Email Advertisers, Marketing Automation every one of which falls under the umbrella of Digital Marketing.

The success of Digital Marketing in India

Let us look at the company used the channels to transform itself into a manufacturer of Google and the illustration of Dabur. Dabur has been a traditional new for ages but wished to change its image. It must use this station, by understanding that at the time of its effort online, 80 million women have been users on the internet. Dabur began a YouTube channel with a pivotal video — an anthem video known as ”Brave and Beautiful” that garnered 2.4M viewpoints.

Dabur also began organic content creation to Google Search through its website which included various interactive articles perfect for SEO and Google ads. These activities led to Dabur’s brand recognition increasing by 11 percent in the 18-24 age category, 245% lift in ad recall in viewers vs non-viewers (best in class in the India FMCG category, with 82% lift in females aged 18-24 and 113% lift in ages 25-35–their primary target ) and even a Grand Prix award in AdFest 2015.

How Can You Become a Digital Marketer

Digital Marketing is a business that allows individuals to research many options and techniques. It isn’t meant for just 1 sort of person, it fits many types of people, including those who are creative, analytical technologically inclined. The Digital marketing industry is constantly changing, where sometimes the tendencies will be for Voice Searches, other times may Artificial Intelligence will probably be required. The marketing and advertising business is in a really early phase.

It is a dynamic environment understanding what consumers need and enabling individuals to explore the world of digital. In order to acquire it doesn’t need a level, just the right skills. The world of advertising is forever-changing, making it one of the most interesting businesses.

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